The weather is here, wish it was beautiful...
It's the most wonderful time of the year, or so the song says. I guess that all depends on how you react to the weather. Here in Pennsylvania we're recovering from several days of snow, ice, and freezing rain. Christmas-y? Yes. Welcome? No. Scraping a quarter inch of ice off the windshield is, to put it mildly, a major pain in the back-end. On the other hand, this is the only period of the year when I'm able to quaff down the Nog! Pre-made egg nog is available in the local grocery stores for about a month or so before the we welcome in the new year by shoving the old one ass-first out the door, so it's within this limited time frame that we get to enjoy the deliciousness that results from our good friend, King Rum, shaking hands with the Nog. This is the one time of the year in my household that Tequila takes a back seat to any other spirit, though it does make me feel like a bit of an añejo heretic...
Sometime during the next week of rum-powered seasonal bliss, I'll be putting up my list of the best music of 2005. Lots'a good stuff was released during the year and hopefully I'll be able to whittle my list into something approaching a semblance of value for y'all.
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